Is your Office ‘Sick’?

(& we don’t mean wicked 🙂 )

It’s thought that every year thousand of man-hours are lost in Australia due to employees taking time off or being under-productive due to sub-standard indoor air quality (IAQ). How much is your office costing YOU this year?

The causes of IAQ problems are numerous and sometimes difficult to track down. If is’t a new issue – ask yourself “what has changed recently? New furnishings? Carpets?”

We spend a third of our time during the week in the office, we have to enjoy our time there.

Call us for a chat. We can discuss the various options for investigating the matter & coming up with some measurements of the ‘nasties’ in your air.

Breath Easy

Do you get drowsy in the afternoon? It could be due to elevated levels of carbon dioxide. Let us measure it.

Getting headaches first thing in the morning? Perhaps the AC system is drawing in carbon monoxide from the underground car park.

Whatever the problem is, once we can identify it then you can solve it.